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Innovation procurement – Learnings from the project Connected Road Surface Monitoring

26 maj, 2023 @ 11:30 - 13:00

This event has already taken place. For documentation see below.

Through an innovation procurement, Trafikverket, The Swedish transport authority has signed agreements with three suppliers, Mercedes Benz Sweden, NIRA Dynamics and Univrses, for development, demonstration of services that provides the opportunity to collect information about pavement damage using connected vehicles. As a co-financer InfraSweden assists with innovation and communication support.

In this webinar, we highlight learnings from this particular innovation procurement process and discuss opportunities and challenges and share experiences on the subject.


  • 11.30 – Welcome
  • 11.35 – Agenda and Purpose
  • 11.40 – Innovation procurement – Background and learnings from the contracting authority’s perspective. Trafikverket
  • 12.00 – Panel discussion including experiences from suppliers involved in the process (Univrses, Mercedes-Benz and NIRA)
  • 12.30 – General discussion
  • 12.55 – Upcoming events
  • 13.00 – Thank you!



  • Camilla Byström, InfraSweden
  • Fredrik Lindström, Trafikverket
  • Anders Asp, Trafikverket/ViaPM
  • Björn Zachrisson, NIRA
  • Adela Spulber, Mercedes-Benz
  • Jonathan Selbie, Univrses
  • Hans Björkman, InfraSweden/Coinnovate

The meeting is digital and a Zoom link to the meeting will be sent the day before the webinar. Register below.


Hans Björkman, Lisa Johnsson and Bodil Sandén




26 maj, 2023
11:30 - 13:00
Evenemang Kategorier:


digitalt evenemang