One of the main objectives of the project was to create a framework for the development of innovative and efficient Joint Programs (JPs) with embedded online elements and addressing all the new elements and circumstances that will lead to the new scenario generated by the creation of the European Education Area.
The project had the explicit ambition to embed for the first time online elements in international joint programs in a coherent and structured way leading to clear guidelines and models, addressed explicitly the horizontal priority of creating Innovative practices in the digital era.
The international joint programs that will be generated beyond the project lifetime, will aim primarily to facilitate access to international joint programs to categories of students that have been so far excluded from these opportunities for different reasons: economic, social, geographical, physical.
The project has not only create the structure and technical solutions necessary to develop these new programs, but has also addressed the pedagogical content and approaches and therefore led to the creation of new innovative curricula, educational methods and developed training courses for administrative, technical and academic staff that will be involved in the process.
The project ran in the period 1 March 2021 – 31 March 2023.

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