Activities Reports

Situational Crime Prevention & CPTED

Sammanfattning av Workshop 3

Sammanfattning av Workshop 2

Sammanfattning av Workshop 1

Sammanfattning av Kick-off dagen

Transit Safety

Trygghet på väg: Ett Seminarium om hela resans perspektiv på mobilitet

Sammanfattning av Trygghet på väg 

Summary from the Seminar “Eyes & Apps on the Streets”

Urban safety

Trygg stadsmiljö i praktiken: Visioner, exempel & tips (2019) – Rapport 2

Trygg stadsmiljö Teori och praktik (2019) – Rapport 1

Summary from the conference Crime and Fear in Public Places

Safety in the Making: Student’s Final Project Reports

Other activities before 2017

Retail crime: International evidence and prevention (2016) Abstracts, Slides PART I, Slides PART II, Slides PART III

Finance, harm and white collar crime (2015) Special issue i Crime, Law and Social Change (2016), 66 (2), Slides

Rural crime and community safety (2014) Special issue i Journal of Rural Studies (2015),39

Safety in Transit Environments (2013)  Book,  Safety and Security in Transit Environments (2015)

Security Matters! (2010) Book, The Urban Fabric of Crime and Fear (2012), Slides